Winner of the darts game, and Willy Goldschmidt.Winner of the darts game, and Willy Goldschmidt.
Winner of the darts game, and Willy Goldschmidt.

In pictures: Hundreds of competitors from all over UK battle it out at sports day for disabled in Rugby

“It was great to see all the participants cheering each other on.”

Hundreds of competitors from all over the UK battled it out at a sports day for disabled people in Rugby at the weekend.

Organisers saw a record turnout for Sunday’s annual event, hosted by Rugby Sports for the Disabled and managed by the three Rotary clubs in Rugby.

Participants took part in activities including swimming, boccia, table tennis and throwing at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Centre.

Mark Furber, who helps organise the event with wife Flick and Bernard Purdy, said: “This was our 38th year and we had 174 competitiors take part.

“Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and it was great to see the participants cheering each other on.

"They were all winners.”

Mark would like to thank all the volunteers and Rugby Group Benevolent Fund for supporting the day.

Rugby Mayor Maggie O’Rourke said: “It was great to be invited to see all of the amazing activities at the sports for the disabled day.

"It was clear that everyone really enjoyed the day, with hundreds of participants attending to take part in the many activities on offer.

"As the Mayor of Rugby, it was an honour to be there and I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank to the Rotary Clubs for organising the event and to all of the volunteers who worked so hard to make the day both successful and enjoyable for all attending.”

Helper Kate Harris said: “I was with a great group of volunteers from the Rugby Saturday Breakfast Rotary Club, who were organising the target bean bag sport, with two members of the Dunsmore Rotary Group. The bean bags, I was told were filled with rice.

"The weather was kind, dry, sunny and warm, perfect for outside sports of throwing a rugby ball and throwing a discus.”

For more information on Rugby Sport for the Disabled Association contact Bernard Purdy on (01788) 812910 or email [email protected]

Participants took part in activities including swimming, boccia, table tennis and throwing at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Centre.