Say cheese! Britain’s best smile found and crowned

Brit voted as having number one smile, Ehizon Garba, 26, from NorthamptonBrit voted as having number one smile, Ehizon Garba, 26, from Northampton
Brit voted as having number one smile, Ehizon Garba, 26, from Northampton

Beaming best from HRH to Holly, Bradley to Becks, Stacey to Cheryl, Idris to Tom

Your smile is a window to your heart and your mood and most people like to radiate positivity with a mouthful of joy.

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They say that smiles make the world go round and, as part of June’s National Smile Month, SmileDirectClub has found and crowned Britain’s Best Smile.

This inaugural competition from SmileDirectClub, the oral care company with the first medtech platform for teeth straightening, launched in spring to help get the nation smiling again after a difficult few years.

Whether a genuine and natural smile, a cute and flirtatious twinkle, or a grin from ear to ear, the British public were asked to nominate their friends and loved ones by sending in a photo of them showcasing their much-loved smiles.

After an exceedingly difficult process of filtering through some of the most cracking smiles around the country, eventually one stood out to the judging panel that was so contagious, it got everyone in the room smiling!

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Ehizon Garba, 26, from Northampton has been named as the owner of Britain’s Best Smile for 2022. As well as being crowned the winner, Ehizon will also receive a cheque for £500 and a one-of-a-kind smiling trophy.

And she has joined some illustrious royal and celebrity company. After her recent long weekend celebrating the Platinum Jubilee, Queen Elizabeth has been named as Britain’s favourite smile.Her Majesty takes the top spot alongside Queen of daytime TV Holly Willoughby.

Monarch holds title of top regal smile alongside Queen of daytime TV, Holly WilloughbyMonarch holds title of top regal smile alongside Queen of daytime TV, Holly Willoughby
Monarch holds title of top regal smile alongside Queen of daytime TV, Holly Willoughby

When it comes to a genuine smile, Brits believe Olivia Colman - who portrays the Queen in The Crown - has the most genuine smile.