LOOKING BACK - June 21, 2018 edition

Tower Lodge 1948Tower Lodge 1948
Tower Lodge 1948
Tower Lodge School

Huge thanks to Judith Drury for these pictures from her schooldays at Tower Lodge. The top picture is from 1948 and Judith is on the very left of the front row. She can’t remember the headmistress, who she assumes is the teacher on the end of the back row, but the signature on her report that year is MG Barnes . In the bottom picture, from 1953, Judith assumes they were dressed up for the school’s coronation celebration. She is in the back row.

Judith’s mother Winifred Drury taught needlework at the school from 1948 until 1953 or 4 and so she also has the names of the staff for those years:

Priscilla Roper, Dorothy Darby, A Cowrie, Marjorie Haddleton, Rita White, Elizabeth Chamberlain, S Hadden and L Alfred.